Give the Gift of Life
You Can Help Save a Life!
Because I Care (BIC) is a volunteer recruitment group, based in Longview, TX, which supports the NMDP Registry for blood stem cell and marrow donors. We conduct recruitment drives at health fairs, businesses, churches, medical facilities, schools, and colleges in northeast Texas. Since 1990, BIC has added more than 40,000 potential donors to the NMDP Registry. Dozens of those recruits have become donors, offering the “Gift of Life” to patients in need of life saving transplants.
Get involved!
Please contact us if you’d like information on:
♥ Hosting a drive at your business, place of worship, or service organization
♥ When you can be tissue typed for the NMDP Registry
♥ Becoming a BIC volunteer
Check out our Upcoming Recruitment Drives to see when and where you can donate.
The 30th Bryan Quinn Memorial Golf Tournament will be held on Friday, June 13, 2025 at the Wood Hollow Golf Club, Longview, Texas
Donate To Help Save Lives
Bryan Quinn-Al Edwards Awards Banquet
Every autumn we hold our annual banquet. BIC recognizes its dedicated volunteers and donors—those who have given the “gift of life” to patients in need of marrow and blood stem cell transplants.
The Bryan Quinn-Al Edwards Award is given each year to an individual or group who has gone above and beyond to support the goals of BIC. A highlight of the evening is having a donor and recipient tell “their story.”
Our 35 th Anniversary Banquet will be held on Friday, January 31, 2025. Click HERE for more info.

Jay Edwards, 2023 award recipient
Partnership Award
At the National Marrow Donor Council Meeting in Minneapolis on Nov. 5, 2015, Anita Quinn & Because I Care received a Partnership Award for 25 years of recruiting potential donors. BIC has put over 24,000 potential donors for the Be The Match Registry since January 1990. In an effort to find a donor for her son Brian, Anita helped start, Because I Care, a volunteer recruitment group.
“Because I Care” by John Secord
Listen to John Secord singing “Because I Care” – a song he wrote especially for our organization.